Every mind has luminous wonders, waiting to be explored. Dive deep into yours, and let VIZR® be your guide.


What is VIZR?

VIZR is a revolutionary brain health tool designed to enhance cognitive performance and mental clarity. Utilizing state-of-the-art neurofeedback technology.

VIZR offers a non-invasive solution to train the brain, improving focus, reducing stress, and optimizing overall mental well-being. Ideal for individuals seeking to boost their mental acuity and for professionals looking to enhance productivity.

VIZR represents the cutting edge in cognitive enhancement technology. Its user-friendly interface and personalized training programs make it an essential tool for anyone looking to unlock their brain’s full potential.

Technology Overview

Refined combination of psychoactive flickering light and sound stimulations, designed to trigger the neuroplastic powers in the human brain. It is based on the principles of photobiomodulation and auditory stimulation that use light and specific sound patterns with a view to eliciting different states of consciousness in general for mental well-being. This device makes use of LED lights that are coupled with audio signals to create merging experiences that may move one’s mental states, enhancing cognitive function, into allowing deep relaxation.

Meditation and Mindfulness

VIZR technology offers further improved states of relaxing and mindful meditation experiences. It helps the user reach a more relaxed and deep meditative state much easier and quicker than was ever possible traditionally.

Stress Reduction

VIZR incorporates some form of light and sound patterns that help in reducing stress levels, perhaps looking like a serene getaway from the daily life pressures.

Enhanced Sleep Quality

Vison sessions can be used to get better sleep quality by feeling more relaxed before bedtime, thus controlling the sleep schedule and fighting insomnia.

Cognitive Development

Some exercises and sessions are designed to trigger our cognitive abilities, making them very useful to increase creativity, focus, and problem-solving.

Emotional Well-being

Regular use of VIZR can have a positive impact on emotional health, helping to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression by promoting a sense of inner peace.


Refined combination of psychoactive flickering light and sound stimulations, designed to trigger the neuroplastic powers in the human brain. It is based on the principles of photobiomodulation and auditory stimulation that use light and specific sound patterns with a view to eliciting different states of consciousness in general for mental well-being. This device makes use of LED lights that are coupled with audio signals to create merging experiences that may move one’s mental states, enhancing cognitive function, into allowing deep relaxation.

VIZR provides a natural, non-invasive alternative to pharmacological interventions for mental wellness, with no risk of side effects that come with medication.

The following device offers a myriad of sessions that are set to meet diverse needs and goals, ensuring every experience can easily be customized for either the current state or outcome.

VIZR is extremely easy to use and does not require any special preparation or expertise, like a race car driver preparing to win a big race.

The nature of VIZR is compact and portable. This will make VIZR easily integrated into the daily doings from home, office, and even when traveling has to be done.

It assures the technology behind VIZR has support from research in the fields of neuroscience and psychology, hence practicing safe and effective ways of mental wellness for users.

User testimonials
